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Motley meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

رنگ ۔ بوقلموں ۔ گونا گوں ۔ معجون مرکب ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Motley (n.) Hence, a jester, a fool.
(2) - Motley (n.) A combination of distinct colors; esp., the party-colored cloth, or clothing, worn by the professional fool.
(3) - Motley (n.) Composed of different or various parts; heterogeneously made or mixed up; discordantly composite; as, motley style.
(4) - Motley (a.) Wearing motley or party-colored clothing. See Motley, n., 1.
(5) - Motley (a.) Variegated in color; consisting of different colors; dappled; party-colored; as, a motley coat.

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