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Nation meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

قوم ۔ ملت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Nation (n.) A great number; a great deal; -- by way of emphasis; as, a nation of herbs.
(2) - Nation (n.) One of the four divisions (named from the parts of Scotland) in which students were classified according to their nativity.
(3) - Nation (n.) One of the divisions of university students in a classification according to nativity, formerly common in Europe.
(4) - Nation (n.) Family; lineage.
(5) - Nation (n.) The body of inhabitants of a country, united under an independent government of their own.
(6) - Nation (n.) A part, or division, of the people of the earth, distinguished from the rest by common descent, language, or institutions; a race; a stock.

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