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Nestorian meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

نسطُوری؛ قسطنطنیہ کے بطریق نسطورئیس کا پَیرو جس کا عقیدہ یہ تھا کہ حضرت مسیح کی دو گونہ فطرت تھی؛ اِنسانی اور یزدانی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Nestorian (a.) relating to, or resembling, Nestor, the aged warior and counselor mentioned by Homer; hence, wise; experienced; aged; as, Nestorian caution.
(2) - Nestorian (a.) Of or relating to the Nestorians.
(3) - Nestorian (n.) An adherent of Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople to the fifth century, who has condemned as a heretic for maintaining that the divine and the human natures were not merged into one nature in Christ (who was God in man), and, hence, that it was improper to call Mary the mother of Christ; also, one of the sect established by the followers of Nestorius in Persia, india, and other Oriental countries, and still in existence. opposed to Eutychian.

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