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Net meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

جال ۔ دام ۔ جال دار چیز ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Net (v. t.) To produce or gain as clear profit; as, he netted a thousand dollars by the operation.
(2) - Net (a.) Not including superfluous, incidental, or foreign matter, as boxes, coverings, wraps, etc.; free from charges, deductions, etc; as, net profit; net income; net weight, etc.
(3) - Net (a.) Free from extraneous substances; pure; unadulterated; neat; as, net wine, etc.
(4) - Net (a.) Without spot; pure; shining.
(5) - Net (v. i.) To form network or netting; to knit.
(6) - Net (v. t.) To inclose or cover with a net; as, to net a tree.
(7) - Net (v. t.) To take in a net; to capture by stratagem or wile.
(8) - Net (v. t.) To make into a net; to make n the style of network; as, to net silk.

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