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Nipple meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بھٹی ۔ سرپستان ۔ گھنڈی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Nipple (n.) A pipe fitting, consisting of a short piece of pipe, usually provided with a screw thread at each end, for connecting two other fittings.
(2) - Nipple (n.) Any small projection or article in which there is an orifice for discharging a fluid, or for other purposes; as, the nipple of a nursing bottle; the nipple of a percussion lock, or that part on which the cap is put and through which the fire passes to the charge.
(3) - Nipple (n.) The orifice at which any animal liquid, as the oil from an oil bag, is discharged.
(4) - Nipple (n.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the breast or mamma; the mammilla; a teat; a pap.

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