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Noise meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بانگ آواز ۔ شور ۔ غل ۔ ہلڑ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Noise (v. t.) To disturb with noise.
(2) - Noise (v. t.) To spread by rumor or report.
(3) - Noise (v. i.) To sound; to make a noise.
(4) - Noise (n.) Music, in general; a concert; also, a company of musicians; a band.
(5) - Noise (n.) Loud or continuous talk; general talk or discussion; rumor; report.
(6) - Noise (n.) Especially, loud, confused, or senseless sound; clamor; din.
(7) - Noise (n.) Sound of any kind.

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