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Outline meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

خاکہ ۔ نقشہ ۔ مختصر بیان ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Outline (v. t.) Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; as, to outline an argument or a campaign.
(2) - Outline (v. t.) To draw the outline of.
(3) - Outline (n.) Fig.: A sketch of any scheme; a preliminary or general indication of a plan, system, course of thought, etc.; as, the outline of a speech.
(4) - Outline (n.) A sketch composed of such lines; the delineation of a figure without shading.
(5) - Outline (n.) In art: A line drawn by pencil, pen, graver, or the like, by which the boundary of a figure is indicated.
(6) - Outline (n.) The line which marks the outer limits of an object or figure; the exterior line or edge; contour.

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