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Palaver meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مشورہ ۔ گفت شنید ۔ افریقہ کے دیسی باشندوں کی پنچائیت بکواس ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Palaver (v. t. & i.) To make palaver with, or to; to used palaver;to talk idly or deceitfully; to employ flattery; to cajole; as, to palaver artfully.
(2) - Palaver (n.) In Africa, a parley with the natives; a talk; hence, a public conference and deliberation; a debate.
(3) - Palaver (n.) Talk; conversation; esp., idle or beguiling talk; talk intended to deceive; flattery.

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