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Parted meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تقسیم شُدہ ۔ جُدا کیا ہُوا ۔ پتّے کی طرح حِصّوں میں مُنقَسِم ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Parted (a.) Cleft so that the divisions reach nearly, but not quite, to the midrib, or the base of the blade; -- said of a leaf, and used chiefly in composition; as, three-parted, five-parted, etc.
(2) - Parted (a.) Endowed with parts or abilities.
(3) - Parted (a.) Separated; devided.
(4) - Parted (imp. & p. p.) of Part

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