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Pelt meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بکری یا بھیڑ کی کھال ۔ پتھر پھینکا ۔ بوچھاڑ کرنا ۔ متواتر بندوق چلانا ۔ آگ برسانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pelt (n.) A blow or stroke from something thrown.
(2) - Pelt (v. i.) To throw out words.
(3) - Pelt (v. i.) To throw missiles.
(4) - Pelt (v. t.) To throw; to use as a missile.
(5) - Pelt (v. t.) To strike with something thrown or driven; to assail with pellets or missiles, as, to pelt with stones; pelted with hail.
(6) - Pelt (n.) The body of any quarry killed by the hawk.
(7) - Pelt (n.) The human skin.
(8) - Pelt (n.) The skin of a beast with the hair on; a raw or undressed hide; a skin preserved with the hairy or woolly covering on it. See 4th Fell.

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