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Pinnacle meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مینار ۔ کلس ۔ کنگرہ ۔ چوتی ۔ راس ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pinnacle (v. t.) To build or furnish with a pinnacle or pinnacles.
(2) - Pinnacle (n.) Anything resembling a pinnacle; a lofty peak; a pointed summit.
(3) - Pinnacle (n.) An architectural member, upright, and generally ending in a small spire, -- used to finish a buttress, to constitute a part in a proportion, as where pinnacles flank a gable or spire, and the like. Pinnacles may be considered primarily as added weight, where it is necessary to resist the thrust of an arch, etc.

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