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Plash meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

دلدل ۔ چھڑاں ۔ پانی میں چھپ چھپ کرنا ۔ چھینٹیں اڑانا ۔ غوطہ ۔ ڈبکی ۔ شاخوں کو جھکا کر ایک دوسرے سے جکڑ کر جنگلہ بنانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Plash (n.) The branch of a tree partly cut or bent, and bound to, or intertwined with, other branches.
(2) - Plash (v. t.) To cut partly, or to bend and intertwine the branches of; as, to plash a hedge.
(3) - Plash (v. t.) To splash or sprinkle with coloring matter; as, to plash a wall in imitation of granite.
(4) - Plash (v. t.) To splash, as water.
(5) - Plash (v. i.) To dabble in water; to splash.
(6) - Plash (v.) A dash of water; a splash.
(7) - Plash (v.) A small pool of standing water; a puddle.

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