Plastron meaning in Urdu & English |
چمڑے کی گدی جو تیغ زن اپنے سینے پر باندھ لیتے ہیں ۔ چرمی صدری ۔ زنانہ سینہ بند ۔
English to English Dictionary
(1) - Plastron (n.) A trimming for the front of a woman's dress, made of a different material, and narrowing from the shoulders to the waist. (2) - Plastron (n.) The ventral shield or shell of tortoises and turtles. See Testudinata. (3) - Plastron (n.) An iron breastplate, worn under the hauberk. (4) - Plastron (n.) A piece of leather stuffed or padded, worn by fencers to protect the breast.