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Plumb meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

شاقول ۔ گنیا ۔ ساھول ۔ عمودی بنانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Plumb (v. t.) To supply, as a building, with a system of plumbing.
(2) - Plumb (v. t.) To seal with lead; as, to plumb a drainpipe.
(3) - Plumb (v. t.) To sound with a plumb or plummet, as the depth of water; hence, to examine by test; to ascertain the depth, quality, dimension, etc.; to sound; to fathom; to test.
(4) - Plumb (v. t.) To adjust by a plumb line; to cause to be perpendicular; as, to plumb a building or a wall.
(5) - Plumb (adv.) In a plumb direction; perpendicularly.
(6) - Plumb (a.) Perpendicular; vertical; conforming the direction of a line attached to a plumb; as, the wall is plumb.
(7) - Plumb (n.) A little mass or weight of lead, or the like, attached to a line, and used by builders, etc., to indicate a vertical direction; a plummet; a plumb bob. See Plumb line, below.

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