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Positivism meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

فلسفہ وجوبیت جس میں صرف ان چیزوں کو مانا جاتا ہے جن کا وجود مشاہدہ میں آسکے اور اس کا عینی ثبوت ہو ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Positivism (n.) A system of philosophy originated by M. Auguste Comte, which deals only with positives. It excludes from philosophy everything but the natural phenomena or properties of knowable things, together with their invariable relations of coexistence and succession, as occurring in time and space. Such relations are denominated laws, which are to be discovered by observation, experiment, and comparison. This philosophy holds all inquiry into causes, both efficient and final, to be useless and unprofitable.

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