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Potpourri meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

خوشبودار ۔ مسالوں اور پتیوں کا مرکب ۔ کشکول ۔ موسیقی کے متفق راگ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Potpourri (n.) A literary production composed of parts brought together without order or bond of connection.
(2) - Potpourri (n.) A piece of music made up of different airs strung together; a medley.
(3) - Potpourri (n.) A jar or packet of flower leaves, perfumes, and spices, used to scent a room.
(4) - Potpourri (n.) A ragout composed of different sorts of meats, vegetables, etc., cooked together.
(5) - Potpourri (n.) A medley or mixture.

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