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Quart meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تاش چار مسسل پتے ۔ سیڑھی ۔ چوتھائی گیلن کا پیمانہ یا ظرف ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Quart (n.) In cards, four successive cards of the same suit. Cf. Tierce, 4.
(2) - Quart (n.) A vessel or measure containing a quart.
(3) - Quart (n.) A measure of capacity, both in dry and in liquid measure; the fourth part of a gallon; the eighth part of a peck; two pints.
(4) - Quart (n.) The fourth part; a quarter; hence, a region of the earth.

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