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Quaternion meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

چار ۔ چار کی جماعت ۔ چار سے دس تک عدد ۔ چار قطاریں ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Quaternion (v. t.) To divide into quaternions, files, or companies.
(2) - Quaternion (n.) The quotient of two vectors, or of two directed right lines in space, considered as depending on four geometrical elements, and as expressible by an algebraic symbol of quadrinomial form.
(3) - Quaternion (n.) A word of four syllables; a quadrisyllable.
(4) - Quaternion (n.) A set of four parts, things, or person; four things taken collectively; a group of four words, phrases, circumstances, facts, or the like.
(5) - Quaternion (n.) The number four.

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