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Receptacle meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ظرف ۔ برتن ۔ خلا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Receptacle (n.) A special branch which bears the fructification in many cryptogamous plants.
(2) - Receptacle (n.) An intercellular cavity containing oil or resin or other matters.
(3) - Receptacle (n.) The dilated apex of a pedicel which serves as a common support to a head of flowers.
(4) - Receptacle (n.) The apex of the flower stalk, from which the organs of the flower grow, or into which they are inserted. See Illust. of Flower, and Ovary.
(5) - Receptacle (n.) That which serves, or is used, for receiving and containing something, as a basket, a vase, a bag, a reservoir; a repository.

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