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Reformed meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

اِصلاح شُدہ ۔ ترمیم شُدہ ۔ بُری عادات کا تارک ۔ اچھی عادات میں بحال شُدہ پروٹیسٹنٹ کلیسا کا یا اِس سے مُتعَلِق ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Reformed (a.) Retained in service on half or full pay after the disbandment of the company or troop; -- said of an officer.
(2) - Reformed (a.) Amended in character and life; as, a reformed gambler or drunkard.
(3) - Reformed (a.) Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence; said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation, etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point. The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France, Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches.

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