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Replace meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

کسی کے عوض دوسرے کو رکھنا ۔ قائم مقام کرنا ۔ جانشین ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Replace (v. t.) To put in a new or different place.
(2) - Replace (v. t.) To take the place of; to supply the want of; to fulfull the end or office of.
(3) - Replace (v. t.) To supply or substitute an equivalent for; as, to replace a lost document.
(4) - Replace (v. t.) To refund; to repay; to restore; as, to replace a sum of money borrowed.
(5) - Replace (v. t.) To place again; to restore to a former place, position, condition, or the like.

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