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Reward meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

جزا دینا ۔ صلہ دینا ۔ انعام دینا ۔ معاوضہ دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Reward (n.) Compensation or remuneration for services; a sum of money paid or taken for doing, or forbearing to do, some act.
(2) - Reward (n.) Hence, the fruit of one's labor or works.
(3) - Reward (n.) That which is given in return for good or evil done or received; esp., that which is offered or given in return for some service or attainment, as for excellence in studies, for the return of something lost, etc.; recompense; requital.
(4) - Reward (n.) Regard; respect; consideration.
(5) - Reward (v. t.) To give in return, whether good or evil; -- commonly in a good sense; to requite; to recompense; to repay; to compensate.

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