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Scrabble meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

پنجوں سے کھرچنا ۔ آڑھی ٹیڑھ لکیریں کھینچنا ۔ بد خطی سے لکھنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Scrabble (n.) The act of scrabbling; a moving upon the hands and knees; a scramble; also, a scribble.
(2) - Scrabble (v. t.) To mark with irregular lines or letters; to scribble; as, to scrabble paper.
(3) - Scrabble (v. t.) To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to scribble; to scrawl.
(4) - Scrabble (v. t.) To scrape, paw, or scratch with the hands; to proceed by clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble; as, to scrabble up a cliff or a tree.

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