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Scrip meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

رقعہ ۔ پرزہ ۔ فقیر کی جھولی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Scrip (n.) Paper fractional currency.
(2) - Scrip (n.) A preliminary certificate of a subscription to the capital of a bank, railroad, or other company, or for a share of other joint property, or a loan, stating the amount of the subscription and the date of the payment of the installments; as, insurance scrip, consol scrip, etc. When all the installments are paid, the scrip is exchanged for a bond share certificate.
(3) - Scrip (n.) A small writing, certificate, or schedule; a piece of paper containing a writing.
(4) - Scrip (n.) A small bag; a wallet; a satchel.

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