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Service meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ملازمت ۔ نوکری ۔ خدمت ۔ حکم کا منتظر ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Service (n.) Act of serving or covering. See Serve, v. t., 13.
(2) - Service (n.) The act of serving the ball.
(3) - Service (n.) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., as spun yarn, small lines, etc.
(4) - Service (n.) The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law; as, the service of a subp/na or an attachment.
(5) - Service (n.) The act and manner of bringing food to the persons who eat it; order of dishes at table; also, a set or number of vessels ordinarily used at table; as, the service was tardy and awkward; a service of plate or glass.
(6) - Service (n.) Profession of respect; acknowledgment of duty owed.
(7) - Service (n.) Useful office; advantage conferred; that which promotes interest or happiness; benefit; avail.
(8) - Service (n.) Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge; official function; hence, specifically, military or naval duty; performance of the duties of a soldier.
(9) - Service (n.) Hence, a musical composition for use in churches.
(10) - Service (n.) Office of devotion; official religious duty performed; religious rites appropriate to any event or ceremonial; as, a burial service.
(11) - Service (n.) The deed of one who serves; labor performed for another; duty done or required; office.
(12) - Service (n.) The act of serving; the occupation of a servant; the performance of labor for the benefit of another, or at another's command; attendance of an inferior, hired helper, slave, etc., on a superior, employer, master, or the like; also, spiritual obedience and love.
(13) - Service () A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small, edible, applelike berries.
(14) - Service () Alt. of Service

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