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Skirt meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

لہنگا ۔ سایہ ۔ کنارہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Skirt (v. t.) To be on the border; to live near the border, or extremity.
(2) - Skirt (v. t.) To border; to form the border or edge of; to run along the edge of; as, the plain was skirted by rows of trees.
(3) - Skirt (v. t.) To cover with a skirt; to surround.
(4) - Skirt (n.) The diaphragm, or midriff, in animals.
(5) - Skirt (n.) A petticoat.
(6) - Skirt (n.) Border; edge; margin; extreme part of anything
(7) - Skirt (n.) A loose edging to any part of a dress.
(8) - Skirt (n.) The lower and loose part of a coat, dress, or other like garment; the part below the waist; as, the skirt of a coat, a dress, or a mantle.

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