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Snare meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

جال ۔ دام ۔ پھند ا ۔ دون ۔ تسمہ ۔ دلکش چیز ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Snare (v. t.) To catch with a snare; to insnare; to entangle; hence, to bring into unexpected evil, perplexity, or danger.
(2) - Snare (n.) An instrument, consisting usually of a wireloop or noose, for removing tumors, etc., by avulsion.
(3) - Snare (n.) The gut or string stretched across the lower head of a drum.
(4) - Snare (n.) Hence, anything by which one is entangled and brought into trouble.
(5) - Snare (n.) A contrivance, often consisting of a noose of cord, or the like, by which a bird or other animal may be entangled and caught; a trap; a gin.

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