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Solace meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تسلی دینا ۔ دلجوئی کرنا ۔ تسلی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Solace (v. i.) To take comfort; to be cheered.
(2) - Solace (n.) To allay; to assuage; to soothe; as, to solace grief.
(3) - Solace (n.) To cheer in grief or under calamity; to comfort; to relieve in affliction, solitude, or discomfort; to console; -- applied to persons; as, to solace one with the hope of future reward.
(4) - Solace (v. t.) Rest; relaxation; ease.
(5) - Solace (v. t.) Comfort in grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety; also, that which relieves in distress; that which cheers or consoles; relief.

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