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Spiritualism meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

یہ عقیدہ کہ اصل وجود روح کا ہے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Spiritualism (n.) A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by rappng, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a person of special susceptibility, called a medium; spiritism; the doctrines and practices of spiritualists.
(2) - Spiritualism (n.) The doctrine, in opposition to the materialists, that all which exists is spirit, or soul -- that what is called the external world is either a succession of notions impressed on the mind by the Deity, as maintained by Berkeley, or else the mere educt of the mind itself, as taught by Fichte.
(3) - Spiritualism (n.) The quality or state of being spiritual.

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