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Stilt meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بانس جس پر پیروں کو ٹیک کر اونچا ہو کر چلتے ہیں ۔ پاؤں ٹیکن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Stilt (v. t.) To raise on stilts, or as if on stilts.
(2) - Stilt (n.) Any species of limicoline birds belonging to Himantopus and allied genera, in which the legs are remarkably long and slender. Called also longshanks, stiltbird, stilt plover, and lawyer.
(3) - Stilt (n.) A crutch; also, the handle of a plow.
(4) - Stilt (n.) A pole, or piece of wood, constructed with a step or loop to raise the foot above the ground in walking. It is sometimes lashed to the leg, and sometimes prolonged upward so as to be steadied by the hand or arm.

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