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Studious meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

محنت کش ۔ مطالعہ کا شائق ۔ محنت سے پڑھنے والا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Studious (a.) Favorable to study; suitable for thought and contemplation; as, the studious shade.
(2) - Studious (a.) Planned with study; deliberate; studied.
(3) - Studious (a.) Earnest in endeavors; aiming sedulously; attentive; observant; diligent; -- usually followed by an infinitive or by of; as, be studious to please; studious to find new friends and allies.
(4) - Studious (a.) Given to thought, or to the examination of subjects by contemplation; contemplative.
(5) - Studious (a.) Given to study; devoted to the acquisition of knowledge from books; as, a studious scholar.

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