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Subscription meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

دستخط ۔ چند ۔ تصدیق ۔ اخبار کی قیمت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Subscription (n.) A method of purchasing items produced periodically in a series, as newspapers or magazines, in which a certain number of the items are delivered as produced, without need for ordering each item individually; also, the purchase thus executed.
(2) - Subscription (n.) That part of a prescription which contains the direction to the apothecary.
(3) - Subscription (n.) Submission; obedience.
(4) - Subscription (n.) The acceptance of articles, or other tests tending to promote uniformity; esp. (Ch. of Eng.), formal assent to the Thirty-nine Articles and the Book of Common Prayer, required before ordination.
(5) - Subscription (n.) Sum subscribed; amount of sums subscribed; as, an individual subscription to a fund.
(6) - Subscription (n.) Consent or attestation by underwriting the name.
(7) - Subscription (n.) The signature attached to a paper.
(8) - Subscription (n.) A paper to which a signature is attached.
(9) - Subscription (n.) That which is subscribed.
(10) - Subscription (n.) The act of subscribing.

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