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Sufferance meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

برداشت ۔ تحمل ۔ عجز ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Sufferance (n.) A permission granted by the customs authorities for the shipment of goods.
(2) - Sufferance (n.) Negative consent by not forbidding or hindering; toleration; permission; allowance; leave.
(3) - Sufferance (n.) Submission under difficult or oppressive circumstances; patience; moderation.
(4) - Sufferance (n.) Loss; damage; injury.
(5) - Sufferance (n.) Pain endured; misery; suffering; distress.
(6) - Sufferance (n.) The state of suffering; the bearing of pain; endurance.

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