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Swim meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تیرنا ۔ پیرنا ۔ سطح پر بہنا ۔ چکرانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Swim (v. i.) To be dizzy; to have an unsteady or reeling sensation; as, the head swims.
(2) - Swim (n.) A part of a stream much frequented by fish.
(3) - Swim (n.) The sound, or air bladder, of a fish.
(4) - Swim (n.) The act of swimming; a gliding motion, like that of one swimming.
(5) - Swim (v. t.) To immerse in water that the lighter parts may float; as, to swim wheat in order to select seed.
(6) - Swim (v. t.) To cause or compel to swim; to make to float; as, to swim a horse across a river.
(7) - Swim (v. t.) To pass or move over or on by swimming; as, to swim a stream.
(8) - Swim (v. i.) To be filled with swimming animals.
(9) - Swim (v. i.) Fig.: To be as if borne or floating in a fluid.
(10) - Swim (v. i.) To be overflowed or drenched.
(11) - Swim (v. i.) To move progressively in water by means of strokes with the hands and feet, or the fins or the tail.
(12) - Swim (v. i.) To be supported by water or other fluid; not to sink; to float; as, any substance will swim, whose specific gravity is less than that of the fluid in which it is immersed.

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