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Tester meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مسہری ۔ چھپر کھٹ ۔ مسہری کا نمگیرا ۔ چھ پنس کا سکہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tester (n.) An old French silver coin, originally of the value of about eighteen pence, subsequently reduced to ninepence, and later to sixpence, sterling. Hence, in modern English slang, a sixpence; -- often contracted to tizzy. Called also teston.
(2) - Tester (n.) A canopy over a bed, supported by the bedposts.
(3) - Tester (n.) A flat canopy, as over a pulpit or tomb.
(4) - Tester (n.) A headpiece; a helmet.

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