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Tickle meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

گدگدانا ۔ سہلانا ۔ گدگدی ہونا ۔ خوش کرنا ۔ لذت حاصل کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tickle (a.) Wavering, or liable to waver and fall at the slightest touch; unstable; easily overthrown.
(2) - Tickle (a.) Liable to change; uncertain; inconstant.
(3) - Tickle (a.) Ticklish; easily tickled.
(4) - Tickle (v. i.) To excite the sensation of titillation.
(5) - Tickle (v. i.) To feel titillation.
(6) - Tickle (v. t.) To please; to gratify; to make joyous.
(7) - Tickle (v. t.) To touch lightly, so as to produce a peculiar thrilling sensation, which commonly causes laughter, and a kind of spasm which become dengerous if too long protracted.

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