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Tilt meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

جھکانا ۔ تیڑھا کرنا ۔ نیزے کا وار کرنا ۔ ہتھوڑے سے پیٹنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tilt (n.) Inclination forward; as, the tilt of a cask.
(2) - Tilt (n.) See Tilt hammer, in the Vocabulary.
(3) - Tilt (n.) A military exercise on horseback, in which the combatants attacked each other with lances; a tournament.
(4) - Tilt (n.) A thrust, as with a lance.
(5) - Tilt (v. i.) To lean; to fall partly over; to tip.
(6) - Tilt (v. i.) To run or ride, and thrust with a lance; to practice the military game or exercise of thrusting with a lance, as a combatant on horseback; to joust; also, figuratively, to engage in any combat or movement resembling that of horsemen tilting with lances.
(7) - Tilt (v. t.) To hammer or forge with a tilt hammer; as, to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile.
(8) - Tilt (v. t.) To point or thrust a weapon at.
(9) - Tilt (v. t.) To point or thrust, as a lance.
(10) - Tilt (v. t.) To incline; to tip; to raise one end of for discharging liquor; as, to tilt a barrel.
(11) - Tilt (v. t.) To cover with a tilt, or awning.
(12) - Tilt (n.) A cloth cover of a boat; a small canopy or awning extended over the sternsheets of a boat.
(13) - Tilt (n.) The cloth covering of a cart or a wagon.
(14) - Tilt (n.) A covering overhead; especially, a tent.

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