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Vane meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

باد نما ۔ سمت نما ۔ مرغ باد نما ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Vane (n.) One of the sights of a compass, quadrant, etc.
(2) - Vane (n.) The rhachis and web of a feather taken together.
(3) - Vane (n.) Any flat, extended surface attached to an axis and moved by the wind; as, the vane of a windmill; hence, a similar fixture of any form moved in or by water, air, or other fluid; as, the vane of a screw propeller, a fan blower, an anemometer, etc.
(4) - Vane (n.) A contrivance attached to some elevated object for the purpose of showing which way the wind blows; a weathercock. It is usually a plate or strip of metal, or slip of wood, often cut into some fanciful form, and placed upon a perpendicular axis around which it moves freely.

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