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Vegetative meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

زرخیز ۔ نمو پذیر ۔ روئندہ ۔ نمونی ۔ زرخیز ۔ پودوں کی طرح اُگنے والا ۔ نباتات یا بالیدگی سے مُتعلِّق ۔ نَموی ۔ جَرثُومَہ کے بَذرے بَنانے والے مَرحَلَہ کے مُتَعلِق ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Vegetative (a.) Having relation to growth or nutrition; partaking of simple growth and enlargement of the systems of nutrition, apart from the sensorial or distinctively animal functions; vegetal.
(2) - Vegetative (a.) Having the power to produce growth in plants; as, the vegetative properties of soil.
(3) - Vegetative (a.) Growing, or having the power of growing, as plants; capable of vegetating.

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