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Wafer meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ایک قسم کا پتلا کرکرا بسکٹ ۔ گڈی ۔ کاغذی مہر لگانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Wafer (v. t.) To seal or close with a wafer.
(2) - Wafer (n.) An adhesive disk of dried paste, made of flour, gelatin, isinglass, or the like, and coloring matter, -- used in sealing letters and other documents.
(3) - Wafer (n.) A thin cake or piece of bread (commonly unleavened, circular, and stamped with a crucifix or with the sacred monogram) used in the Eucharist, as in the Roman Catholic Church.
(4) - Wafer (n.) A thin cake made of flour and other ingredients.

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