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Welter meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

لوٹنا ۔ اچھلنا ۔ تڑپنا ۔ گڑ بڑ ۔ بھاری جسم کا مکا باز ۔ بھاری چوٹ ۔ بڑا سا آدمی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Welter (n.) A rising or falling, as of waves; as, the welter of the billows; the welter of a tempest.
(2) - Welter (n.) That in which any person or thing welters, or wallows; filth; mire; slough.
(3) - Welter (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the most heavily weighted race in a meeting; as, a welter race; the welter stakes.
(4) - Welter (v. i.) To wither; to wilt.
(5) - Welter (v. i.) To rise and fall, as waves; to tumble over, as billows.
(6) - Welter (v. i.) To roll, as the body of an animal; to tumble about, especially in anything foul or defiling; to wallow.

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