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Whiffler meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

متلُون مزاج ۔ وہ شخص جو اپنے خیالات ، نُقطہ نظر ، اِرادے کو بدل لے ۔ ایک غیر مُستقِل مزاج اور بدل جانے والا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Whiffler (n.) The golden-eye.
(2) - Whiffler (n.) An officer who went before procession to clear the way by blowing a horn, or otherwise; hence, any person who marched at the head of a procession; a harbinger.
(3) - Whiffler (n.) One who plays on a whiffle; a fifer or piper.
(4) - Whiffler (n.) One who whiffles, or frequently changes his opinion or course; one who uses shifts and evasions in argument; hence, a trifler.

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