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Whittle meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

چھرا ۔ چاقو ۔ چھری ۔ پتلی ہو جا نا ۔ پتلی کر دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Whittle (v. i.) To cut or shape a piece of wood with am small knife; to cut up a piece of wood with a knife.
(2) - Whittle (v. t.) To edge; to sharpen; to render eager or excited; esp., to excite with liquor; to inebriate.
(3) - Whittle (v. t.) To pare or cut off the surface of with a small knife; to cut or shape, as a piece of wood held in the hand, with a clasp knife or pocketknife.
(4) - Whittle (n.) A knife; esp., a pocket, sheath, or clasp knife.
(5) - Whittle (n.) Same as Whittle shawl, below.
(6) - Whittle (n.) A grayish, coarse double blanket worn by countrywomen, in the west of England, over the shoulders, like a cloak or shawl.

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