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Wimple meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

برقعہ ۔ نقاب ۔ نقاب ڈالنا ۔ لہریں اٹھنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Wimple (v. i.) To lie in folds; also, to appear as if laid in folds or plaits; to ripple; to undulate.
(2) - Wimple (v. t.) To cause to appear as if laid in folds or plaits; to cause to ripple or undulate; as, the wind wimples the surface of water.
(3) - Wimple (v. t.) To draw down, as a veil; to lay in folds or plaits, as a veil.
(4) - Wimple (v. t.) To clothe with a wimple; to cover, as with a veil; hence, to hoodwink.
(5) - Wimple (n.) A flag or streamer.
(6) - Wimple (n.) A covering of silk, linen, or other material, for the neck and chin, formerly worn by women as an outdoor protection, and still retained in the dress of nuns.

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