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Breech meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

برجس ۔ شگاف ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Breech (v. t.) To fasten with breeching.
(2) - Breech (v. t.) To whip on the breech.
(3) - Breech (v. t.) To fit or furnish with a breech; as, to breech a gun.
(4) - Breech (v. t.) To cover as with breeches.
(5) - Breech (v. t.) To put into, or clothe with, breeches.
(6) - Breech (n.) The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat.
(7) - Breech (n.) The hinder part of anything; esp., the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind the chamber.
(8) - Breech (n.) Breeches.
(9) - Breech (n.) The lower part of the body behind; the buttocks.

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