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Bruise meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

داغ ۔ ہلکا زخم ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Bruise (n.) An injury to the flesh of animals, or to plants, fruit, etc., with a blunt or heavy instrument, or by collision with some other body; a contusion; as, a bruise on the head; bruises on fruit.
(2) - Bruise (v. i.) To fight with the fists; to box.
(3) - Bruise (v. t.) To break; as in a mortar; to bray, as minerals, roots, etc.; to crush.
(4) - Bruise (v. t.) To injure, as by a blow or collision, without laceration; to contuse; as, to bruise one's finger with a hammer; to bruise the bark of a tree with a stone; to bruise an apple by letting it fall.

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