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Equipage meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

رخت سفر ۔ لشکر کا سازوسامان ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Equipage (n.) A carriage of state or of pleasure with all that accompanies it, as horses, liveried servants, etc., a showy turn-out.
(2) - Equipage (n.) Retinue; train; suite.
(3) - Equipage (n.) Furniture or outfit, whether useful or ornamental; especially, the furniture and supplies of a vessel, fitting her for a voyage or for warlike purposes, or the furniture and necessaries of an army, a body of troops, or a single soldier, including whatever is necessary for efficient service; equipments; accouterments; habiliments; attire.

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