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Expect meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

راہ دیکھنا ۔ چشم براہ ہونا ۔ امید رکھنا ۔ خیال کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Expect (n.) Expectation.
(2) - Expect (v. t.) To wait; to stay.
(3) - Expect (v. t.) To look for (mentally); to look forward to, as to something that is believed to be about to happen or come; to have a previous apprehension of, whether of good or evil; to look for with some confidence; to anticipate; -- often followed by an infinitive, sometimes by a clause (with, or without, that); as, I expect to receive wages; I expect that the troops will be defeated.
(4) - Expect (v. t.) To wait for; to await.

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