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Hail meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ژالہ ۔ اولہ ۔ بوچھاڑ ہونا ۔ آفرین ۔ خوش آمدید ۔ پکارنا ۔ آواز دینا ۔ سلام کرنا ۔ خوش آمدید کہنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hail (n.) A wish of health; a salutation; a loud call.
(2) - Hail (v. t.) An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting.
(3) - Hail (v. i.) To report as one's home or the place from whence one comes; to come; -- with from.
(4) - Hail (v. i.) To declare, by hailing, the port from which a vessel sails or where she is registered; hence, to sail; to come; -- used with from; as, the steamer hails from New York.
(5) - Hail (v. t.) To name; to designate; to call.
(6) - Hail (v. t.) To call loudly to, or after; to accost; to salute; to address.
(7) - Hail (a.) Healthy. See Hale (the preferable spelling).
(8) - Hail (v. t.) To pour forcibly down, as hail.
(9) - Hail (v. i.) To pour down particles of ice, or frozen vapors.
(10) - Hail (n.) Small roundish masses of ice precipitated from the clouds, where they are formed by the congelation of vapor. The separate masses or grains are called hailstones.

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