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Hollow meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

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English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hollow (v. t.) To urge or call by shouting.
(2) - Hollow (v. i.) To shout; to hollo.
(3) - Hollow (interj.) Hollo.
(4) - Hollow (adv.) Wholly; completely; utterly; -- chiefly after the verb to beat, and often with all; as, this story beats the other all hollow. See All, adv.
(5) - Hollow (v. t.) To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to excavate.
(6) - Hollow (n.) A low spot surrounded by elevations; a depressed part of a surface; a concavity; a channel.
(7) - Hollow (n.) A cavity, natural or artificial; an unfilled space within anything; a hole, a cavern; an excavation; as the hollow of the hand or of a tree.
(8) - Hollow (a.) Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as, a hollow heart; a hollow friend.
(9) - Hollow (a.) Reverberated from a cavity, or resembling such a sound; deep; muffled; as, a hollow roar.
(10) - Hollow (a.) Depressed; concave; gaunt; sunken.
(11) - Hollow (a.) Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial, within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the interior; as, a hollow tree; a hollow sphere.

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